Hands on Workshop: Introduction to Bioinformatics
1) How many sequences so you have in the fasta file ~/Topic_3/data/Pine_reference_rnaseq_reduced.fa?
Hint: wc –l
2) How many sequences do you have in the fastq file ~/Topic_3/data/GBS12_brds_Pi_197A2_100k_R1.fastq?
Hint: for grep ^ indicates the start of the line and $ indicates the end of the line (e.g. grep ^H*?$
3) How many sequences contain a base with a Phred score of 2 ~/Topic_3/data/GBS12_brds_Pi_197A2_100k_R1.fastq?
To practice unix-based command line, run through some of the examples after the quality trimming section to learn how to navigate through the file system and do basic file manipulation.
(if you need to find which directory you are in, type “pwd” at command prompt)
The first step would be to install the program prinseq. Move into the ~/Topic_3/scripts folder. Unpack prinseq-lite-0.20.4.tar.gz by executing the following command:
tar -xf prinseq-lite-0.20.4.tar.gz
However, this is already done for you!
Move into your ~/Topic_3/data folder and execute the following commands:
perl ~/Topic_3/scripts/prinseq-lite-0.20.4/prinseq-lite.pl -fastq ~/Topic_3/data/PmdT_147_100k_R1.fq -fastq2 ~/Topic_3/data/PmdT_147_100k_R2.fq -graph_data pmdt_147_100k_graph.txt
Open Firefox on the VM and upload your pmdt_147_100k_graph.txt file to http://edwards.sdsu.edu/cgi-bin/prinseq/prinseq.cgi to view your graphs
Alternatively, download your graph file to your computer. You can do so by using the following command (note that you should execute this command in a terminal window that is not connected to the server and use your own login information for the username and ip address)
scp <username@ip.address>:~/Topic_3/*graph.txt <path on your computer where you want the file>
For example: scp -rp trainee1@sbs-01.erc.monash.edu:~/Topic_3/*graph.txt ~/Dropbox/Documents/bioinformatics_workshop/bioinformatics_workshop_2019_Monash/Topic_3/
For a description of the various plot types, see:
Now rerun the above commands on the fastq files named GBS12_brds_Pi_197A2_100k_R#.fastq, which are reads created using the GBS protocol with an enzyme called PST1.
perl ~/Topic_3/scripts/prinseq-lite-0.20.4/prinseq-lite.pl -fastq ~/Topic_3/data/GBS12_brds_Pi_197A2_100k_R1.fastq -fastq2 ~/Topic_3/data/GBS12_brds_Pi_197A2_100k_R2.fastq -graph_data GBS12_brds_Pi_197A2_100k_graph.txt
Question 1) Compare the two .html files. What kinds of differences do you see in the files? Why do you think these differences are found (hint: think about the types of data you are analyzing)?
Trim off bases from either end with less than a quality score of 10 (-trim_qual_left and -trim_qual_right), and filter any sequences that have less than 70 base pairs (-min_len 70):
perl ~/Topic_3/scripts/prinseq-lite-0.20.4/prinseq-lite.pl -fastq ~/Topic_3/data/GBS12_brds_Pi_197A2_100k_R1.fastq -fastq2 ~/Topic_3/data/GBS12_brds_Pi_197A2_100k_R2.fastq -log log1 -out_good GBS_filter1 -min_len 70 -trim_qual_left 10 -trim_qual_right 10
Note that you can view the log file (log1) to see the command executed and the output (including the default parameters run)
This level of filtering by minimum length is probably overkill for most applications, but it gives you a chance to see how prinseq is changing the data.
You should see 2 output files called GBS_filter1_#.fastq and two more that have a “_singletons” suffix. These “singleton” files are those that were left unpaired after the corresponding sequence was filtered from the alternate read direction file.
Try running various combinations of these commands, regraph the results, and see how the statistics have been affected.
perl ~/Topic_3/scripts/prinseq-lite-0.20.4/prinseq-lite.pl -fastq GBS_filter1_1.fastq -fastq2 GBS_filter1_2.fastq -graph_data GBS_filter1.txt
Experiment with other filters, such as filtering sequences with a mean quality score below some value (here, Q15):
-min_qual_mean 15
Or removing N’s from the left and right hand side of the sequences:
-trim_ns_left 3 (Trim poly-N tail with a minimum length of 3 at the 5’-end) -trim_ns_right 3 (Trim poly-N tail with a minimum length of 3 at the 3’-end)
Question 2) Try different filtering options for the GBS data (see http://prinseq.sourceforge.net/manual.html for options) and plot QC graphs. Discuss in a group of four which options you would choose to implement if this was your data.
Low complexity sequences can be filtered using:
-lc_method [dust/entropy] -lc_threshold [7
From the manual:
The DUST approach is adapted from the algorithm used to mask low-complexity
regions during BLAST search preprocessing [5]. The scores are computed based on
how often different trinucleotides occur and are scaled from 0 to 100. Higher
scores imply lower complexity. A sequence of homopolymer repeats (e.g. TTTTTTTTT)
has a score of 100, of dinucleotide repeats (e.g. TATATATATA) has a score around
49, and of trinucleotide repeats (e.g. TAGTAGTAGTAG) has a score around 32.
The Entropy approach evaluates the entropy of trinucleotides in a sequence. The
entropy values are scaled from 0 to 100 and lower entropy values imply lower
complexity. A sequence of homopolymer repeats (e.g. TTTTTTTTT) has an entropy
value of 0, of dinucleotide repeats (e.g. TATATATATA) has a value around 16, and
of trinucleotide repeats (e.g. TAGTAGTAGTAG) has a value around 26.
Sequences with a DUST score above 7 or an entropy value below 70 can be considered
low-complexity. An entropy value of 50 or 60 would be a more conservative choice.
NOTE: prinseq has an order of operations, which it tells you when you run it with the -h option. Be mindful of this, because it will calculate the mean quality score differently if other operations are run first.
There is no best option for trimming/filtering. The choices you make should reflect the application and the state of your data. There is such a thing as too much filtering/trimming.
Below are a number of examples demonstrating various ways to quickly manipulate files. They are intended to provide an introduction to the kinds of things you can do in unix, and give you an idea of where to google to find more info. Generally, I have found that googling for what you want to do will almost always yield a scripting solution, often a very easy one using either awk, grep, sed, or some other bash command.
To cancel any command, type “control-c”. To pause it and send it to run in the background, type “control-z” and then “bg”. To bring the job back to the foreground, type “fg”
to view the processes that are currently running, type “top” and then “q” to quit.
to stop a process, type “kill PID”, where PID is replaced with the process ID number you see in the “top” list
cp, mv, rm, rmdir, mkdir will copy, move, remove, remove directory, and make directory, respectively
FASTQ files have four lines per sequence. To get the first 100 lines (25 sequences):
head -100 ~/Topic_3/data/PmdT_147_100k_R1.fq
head -100 ~/Topic_3/data/PmdT_147_100k_R1.fq > new.fq
head -100 ~/Topic_3/data/PmdT_147_100k_R1.fq | wc -c
grep @HWI-ST ~/Topic_3/data/PmdT_147_100k_R1.fq
grep "^>" ~/Topic_3/data/Pine_reference_rnaseq_reduced.fa | wc -l
sed -n '/>comp10454_c2_seq1/,/>/p' ~/Topic_3/data/Pine_reference_rnaseq_reduced.fa | grep -v ">" | tr -d "\n"
This uses sed to find everything between the two matches, the first of which is “>comp10454_c2_seq1” and the second is the next “>” character. Note the use of tr -d “\n” to clip the new line characters and return a single contiguous sequence.
tail -10 ~/Topic_3/data/Pine_reference_rnaseq_reduced.fa
head -1000 ~/Topic_3/data/Pine_reference_rnaseq_reduced.fa | tail -10
sed 's/N/A/g' file1 > file2
sed 's/\"//g' file > file2
awk '{print $1}' ~/Topic_3/data/cold_hot_expression.txt
awk '{print $1}' ~/Topic_3/data/cold_hot_expression.txt | sort > new2.txt
paste ~/Topic_3/data/cold_hot_expression.txt new2.txt > new3.txt
awk '{if($12 > 85){print}}' ~/Topic_3/data/sample_blast_results.txt > sample_blast_results_filt.txt
This is really useful for filtering BLAST tabular format results. Another nice way to sort blast results to get the best hit for each contig that you queried, sorted by bit score and e-value:
sort -k1,1 -k12,12nr -k11,11n ~/Topic_3/data/sample_blast_results.txt | sort -u -k1,1 --merge > sample_blast_results_sorted.txt
cut -f3-8 ~/Topic_3/data/sample_blast_results.txt > sample_blast_results_sub.txt
awk '{s=0; for (i=3; i <= NF; i++) {if($i == "N"){s=s+1}}}; {print s}' ~/Topic_3/data/sample_depths.txt > file_withnumber_ofNs.txt
awk 'BEGIN {FS=OFS=" "}{sum=0; n=0; for(i=3;i<=NF;i++){if ($i != "N"){sum+=$i; ++n}} print sum/n}' ~/Topic_3/data/sample_depths.txt > sample_depths_rowmeans.txt
NOTE: these operations using awk are MUCH faster than R, especially on large files, and they are easy to integrate into shell scripts.
ls | grep fastq$
ls *fastq
ff=`ls | grep fastq$`
mv $ff ./sub
This stores the contents of the ls | grep command in a variable calld “ff” which can be used by prefixing it with the “$” sign. This is very useful for moving files around or deleting them.
ff=`ls | grep fastq$`
for i in $ff
echo $i
wc -l $i
If you do much playing around with sequence data, especially whole genome sequence files, learning to use awk, sed, grep, and other bash commands will be incredibly helpful and more efficient than relatively slow approaches such as reading data into R and manipulating it there.